
“The Millionaire Fastlane” Summary

There may be a get rich quick scheme but not a get rich easy scheme.

One of our favourite all round Youtube Channels is Ali Abdaal‘s, a doctor & business owner. His coverage of productivity and business is delivered in a light hearted and informative manner.

In this video, as part of his book review series, he reviews “The Millionaire Fastlane” by MJ DeMarco. It’s definitely worth a watch to get the best parts of the book and a potential ‘trailer’ to see if you’d like to read it yourself.


My 3 main takeaways are:

Build money trees. So unlike a regular employee, the time you put in and the money you earn is not directly linked, instead own something like a rental, write a book or run a YouTube channel which earns you money without proportionate input required. Also remember to make millions sometimes requires you to impact millions.

Have a producer mindset not a consumer one, think of the business behind the products you see or consume. Think about how things are made and why they have been done in a particular way. Broaden and vary your perspective.

Finally a simple one, show commitment to your goal, not just interest.

If you’d like to learn more about building a money tree in the form of stocks, check out this article!

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